Amsterdam’s relatively tolerant past

13 June 2011 • nua

It is generally thought that during the Golden Age, Amsterdam was a tolerant city, which attracted talented refugees from the rest of Europe. These immigrants would have made an important contribution to the economic boom the city experienced. »»

Council documents only on iPad

1 June 2011 • nua

City council members use on average 150 reams of paper per year, and the situation will not be very different at the districts. Most councils are making plans to go paperless in the near future. Council members will soon probably read their documents on iPads, using a special app that will be also be available for other citizens. »»

Toma la calle

29 May 2011 • nua

About one hundred people participated in a solidarity manifestation with Spanish protestors at Dam Square yesterday. Background information here. »»

Don’t curtail government transparency

27 May 2011 • nua

Council member Ahu Sahin (D66) wants the council to declare itself against curtailing the Freedom of Information Act (WOB). There is growing irritation among the members of the Dutch Association of Municipalities (VNG), which wants to make it more difficult for citizens and journalists to get access to government information. »»

Nieuw-West wants a social bicycle shop

14 May 2011 • nua

The Fietsbazaar project challenges entrepreneurs to make a plan to promote bicycle use among residents of Nieuw-West and simultaneously train youth as bicycle menders. The project seems to be part of a small boom in social bicycle projects. »»

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