How the crisis was discussed by the city council
It won’t come as a surprise that the term crisis was used a lot in 2009. There was some debate about the nature of the crisis:
Mr. VERWEIJ [right-wing VVD] proposes not to speak of the credit crunch, but of the financial crisis […]
Mr. IVENS [socialist SP] says it pleases him that Mr. Verweij also wants to call the credit crunch an economic crisis. He awaits the moment it will be called a crisis of capitalism.
That didn’t really happen. Over the past years, the term credit crunch was used 223 times in the city council; economic crisis 206 times; financial crisis 59 times; climate crisis 36 times and crisis of capitalism 4 times (the list is not exhaustive).
Learn how other topics like open source software, Airbnb, the use of the term allochtoon to describe ethnic background, city districts and scooters were discussed.